What type of disability support services are covered by the NDIS?

happy girl with down syndrome posing while drawing

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding to help people living with disabilities access essential support and services they need to live more independently and participate fully in their communities.

ADEC provides NDIS-funded disability support services in Melbourne. We have been serving the community as one of the most trusted not-for-profit disability support providers in Melbourne for more than 42 years.

We are specialists in supporting ethnic communities, and we speak your language. Our diverse support worker group speaks 27 languages – including Hindi, English, Somalian, Korean, Turkish and many more – and we can arrange interpreters free of charge.

That means if you belong to an ethnic community and are seeking NDIS disability support services in Victoria, we can help you. We offer personalised NDIS disability support services according to our clients’ unique needs and try to personality-match our clients and NDIS disability support workers to ensure a more personalised experience.

We also know that the NDIS can be a little confusing, and you might be wondering what type of disability support services are covered under the scheme. Well, while the types of disability support services covered by the NDIS can vary depending on individual needs, they generally fall into the following eight major categories:

  1. Daily Living Support

    This includes assistance with daily living activities and household tasks that promote independence and help to support our clients’ wellbeing. Some examples of NDIS-funded daily living support services include:

  • Personal care: This may include assistance with bathing, dressing, toileting, grooming, and eating. This support can be provided by an ADEC support worker depending on the individual's needs and preferences.
  • Meal preparation: Our NDIS disability support workers can also help with nutrition-based tasks such as meal planning, cooking, and dietary management that aligns with our clients’ personal dietary requirements and preferences.
  • Household chores: Support with household tasks like cleaning, laundry, shopping, and maintaining a safe and hygienic living environment may also be covered by the NDIS.
  • Medication management: We can help with medication reminders, administering medications, and managing prescriptions to support adherence to your medication regimen.
  1. Therapeutic Support

    Therapeutic support brings together a wide range of NDIS disability support services that aim to help support a person's physical, cognitive, or emotional functioning. Therapeutic supports may include:

  • Occupational therapy: This typically includes assessments and interventions that are designed to help improve individuals' ability to perform daily living activities, enhance fine motor skills, address sensory processing issues, and promote independence.
  • Physiotherapy: Rehabilitation and exercise programs may be used to help people improve their mobility, strength, balance, and coordination. They might also be used to manage chronic pain and prevent injuries.
  • Speech therapy: The NDIS may cover treatment and support services for communication disorders, speech difficulties, and language delays that help to improve communication skills and functional abilities.
  • Psychology and counselling: Mental health support and psychotherapy to address emotional, behavioural, and cognitive challenges can all be vital therapeutic supports.
  • Behaviour support: Therapeutic supports may also include services like behaviour assessments, support plans, and interventions that help to address behaviours that may contribute to social exclusion.
  1. Community Participation

    We know that community participation significantly improves a person’s overall wellbeing. That’s why the NDIS typically supports services that help people build social connections within their communities. This can include assistance with accessing:

  • Recreational activities: ADEC can help people access leisure and recreational activities such as sports, hobbies, arts and crafts, music, gardening, and other community-based social clubs.
  • Cultural and community events: We also know how important it is to stay connected with culture. The NDIS may cover disability support services that assist people to participate in community events, festivals, and cultural celebrations.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Many people living with disabilities want to give back to their communities. NDIS-funded assistance to explore volunteering roles can help build confidence and self-esteem.
  1. Assistive Technology

The NDIS funds aids and equipment that help people with disabilities live with more independence. NDIS funding may also cover evaluation, setup, and training related to relevant aids and equipment.

  • Aids and equipment: This often includes mobility aids like wheelchairs, walkers, and scooters, and communication devices like hearing and vision aids,
  • Technology supports: The NDIS may also fund services that support people living with disabilities to access specialised software, apps, computer peripherals, and smart devices that support communication and learning.
  1. Home Modifications

Feeling comfortable, safe, and supported in your own home is another critical aspect of a person’s overall wellbeing. The NDIS may cover home modification design and construction, including adaptations to the home environment that enhance accessibility.

  • Accessible housing: Home modifications like ramps, handrails, stairlifts, accessible bathrooms, and widened doorways may be covered under the NDIS to improve accessibility, safety, and independence.
  1. Transport

    Access to disability-friendly transport options is often required to enable a person living with disabilities to participate in their community, conduct daily life tasks, and access employment and education opportunities. As such, the NDIS typically funds:

  • Vehicle modifications: Wheelchair lifts, ramps, hand controls, and vehicle hoists may be required for people living with disabilities to access transportation independently or with assistance.
  • Transport assistance: Appropriate transport services like taxis, ridesharing, and community transport may be supported by the NDIS to ensure people living with disabilities can access employment, education, medical, and community activities.
  1. Employment Support

Many people living with disabilities would like to hold employment. The NDIS helps empower people to do so by funding disability support services that assist people to secure and maintain employment, or engage in entrepreneurship, such as:

  • Employment training: The NDIS generally covers employment support services that help people living with disabilities to develop vocational skills and prepare them for employment opportunities.
  • Supported employment: Job coaches and mentors can help people living with disabilities to secure and maintain supported employment, work trials, internships, and job placements for career advancement.
  • Workplace modifications: The NDIS may also fund relevant workplace modifications, assistive technology, ergonomic equipment, and accessibility adjustments that promote inclusive work environments.
  1. Early Childhood Interventions

The NDIS may fund early intervention services that address developmental delays or disabilities, and help to improve long-term outcomes for children living with disabilities, including:

  • Early intervention services: The NDIS typically funds therapeutic interventions, developmental assessments, and early childhood education programs that support the overall development and wellbeing of young children living with disabilities.
  • Family support services: The NDIS may also fund support services for families of children living with disabilities, including short-term respite care and counselling services that help families cope with the emotional and psychological impact of caring for a child living with disabilities.

Click here to find out more about how ADEC's NDIS disability support services can support you and your loved ones living with disabilities. Or call us on 1800 626 078 (toll free) or email info@adec.org.au for more information.